Ever had a teacher who was so good at their job they changed your life forever? Did it ever cross your mind that you could be one of these knowledgeable and influential people too? If you love the classroom, if learning new things speaks to you, and you can't get enough of sharing what you know, then you're more than likely cut out to be an awesome teacher! Education is essential no matter who you are, and becoming a gateway guide in helping students reach their fullest potential is both a noble and fun pursuit. It's also a fulfilling one. Every day, teachers see the impact they have on the next generation. It is a constant growing cycle for both students and teachers alike as students develop a strong knowledge base and teachers master how to share information in multiple ways that reach each pupil. There's nothing like the rewarding experience of seeing your students on Day 1 versus the last day of school.
The College of Education at FU offers several subjects to specialize in for education. Teachers often discover they prefer a certain age group to teach, and we have programs for both elementary and secondary school levels. Students get to determine which is best suited for them. For secondary school education majors, we provide numerous choices to select from so our future teachers are prepared for the classroom. Whether you're interested in teaching mathematics or PE or art, we've got you covered at FU.
In 2020, we developed online and hybrid learning programs to cope with the Covid pandemic because education should never cease no matter the circumstances. Thanks to our emphasis on technology, we managed to transition smoothly at FU, and we're bringing what we've learned to you. Learn how to navigate technology's advancements and incorporate them to your advantage. We make sure our education students are prepared for whatever the future holds so they can always be effective teachers, reaching their students on deeper levels one class at a time.
How do I set up my career for success?
-The best thing you can do is to focus on becoming the most effective teacher you can be. The College of Education at FU offers all the courses you need and more to equip yourself with the right techniques and approaches for successful teaching. The better a teacher you become, the more your students will value your lessons, making your days more enjoyable overall. Quality teachers are always in high demand because a prosperous society thrives on quality education.
How do I know which specialization in education is right for me?
-Our curriculum allows students to sample the different subjects students learn in elementary and secondary school. This in turn provides students with the opportunity to see which they prefer over time. The field you specialize in should be one that interests you, one that you yourself would also like to continue learning about over the course of your teaching career.
Why should I pick the College of Education at FU?
-We're not all bookwork. We believe in getting our students as much experience as possible before they get a classroom of their own. Students get to shadow teachers, plan their own lessons, and progress to leading a class. We also emphasize using technology as an invaluable tool to benefit students' learning, especially since the next generation continues to use more technology than the previous one. We make sure our teachers stay up to date no matter how quickly things change.