Foundation University extols the life and legacy of President Emeritus Dr. Mira D. Sinco with the release of a biography entitled “A Lifetime of Learning: The Story of an Academic Trailblazer.” The project was undertaken by Broadcast Communication chair Dr. Maria Cecilia M. Genove as part of Foundation University’s 75th anniversary or its Diamond Jubilee. With a foreword by President Victor Vicente “Dean” Sinco, the eldest of Dr. Mira’s two children, the book looks back on the remarkable journey of an academician turned mother, and eventually, grand matriarch of Foundation University.
The book launching and signing took place on the fourth floor of the newly constructed FPA Science Wing. Along with Foundation University administrators, it was attended by Luis “Tata” Sinco, younger brother of President Sinco, and the immediate Sinco progeny. Representatives from the local government included Dumaguete City Mayor Felipe Antonio Remollo, assistant city administrator Dr. Dinno Depositario, and city tourism officer Katherine Aguilar. Board of Trustees member Dr. Mark Macias and other notable members of the community were also present. Some FUHS Class of 1974 golden jubilarians were also in attendance as they gathered on campus for the Paghimamat and Parada as part of the Kasadyaan Festival.
“But to truly understand Mira’s story,” Dr. Genove opens the early chapters, “...we must start at the beginning.” The biography takes readers through Dr. Sinco’s difficult yet propitious life. From her period of concentrated education and work in the United States, to her pioneering effort in Philippine higher education, Dr. Genove leads us to a portrait of a tenacious woman who has left an indelible mark in Foundation University. Her 10-year presidency saw rapid improvements in the university’s infrastructure and academic programs, with national and international recognition growing exponentially as soon as her vision was materialized. The modest, regional school that Dr. Vicente G. Sinco, her father-in-law, founded became a center for forward-thinking students and academics.
According to Dr. Genove: “Mira’s achievements as president were widely recognized, earning her numerous honors and awards, including the Professional Excellence Award from the UP Education Alumni Association, the Outstanding Asian-American Award from the State of Washington, and inclusion in prestigious honor societies such as Phi Kappa Phi, Pi Gamma Mu, and Delta Kappa Gamma. Her name appeared in various editions of Who’s Who publications, reflecting her significant impact in both the Philippines and the US.”
The book is respectful, but far from hagiographic. Although this is Dr. Genove’s first biography, and fourth in a growing list of publications, her journalistic precision does not compromise the narrative’s engagement. For over a year, Dr. Genove worked on the project in secret, enlisting the support of the university staff in a coordinated effort to hide its progress from Dr. Sinco, known to many as Ma’am Mira.
The event concluded with a book signing session, where attendees chanced to meet the author, Dr. Genove, and Dr. Sinco herself. Mayor Remollo, among others, received the signed copies as members of the media hovered over the two women, eager to capture the moment for posterity.
Copies of the book will be made available soon.